Sunday, March 17, 2024

Values among Children

There is a famous quote on Character and Value, “If wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; when a character is lost, all is lost”. – Billy Graham

Having moral values means having strong roots. For the trees, having a healthy root means having healthy leaves and branches. And for the people having a strong root of healthy values means having good thoughts and healthy life.Moral values are important components of any individual’s character and they should be taught right from childhood. The importance of teaching values to children is that it helps them to choose the right way.

Importance of teaching values to the children-

1 Strong character building-    Good Values such as Kindness, Modesty, Honesty, Equality etc should be inculcated in children which can guide them to the right path in life.Apart from qualification and intelligence these values help a child to grow with a strong character. 

2.Helps to understand the difference between right and wrong- They can conclude scenarios and understand whether it is morally correct or not. It helps to make the right decisions in life with the help of these moral values. 

3.            Helps to stay stronger-Good values and beliefs help them to be strong in any situation and inspire them to work hard for the results and do not let them give up.

4.            Boost self confidence-The Inner peace and relaxation that one achieves from giving/helping others cannot be compared to materialistic happiness.

5.            Helps children to stand up against injustice-The importance of teaching moral values to students helps them to stand for themselves and others when an injustice is happening.

Vinita Sharma


Thursday, February 22, 2024

 Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future." - John F. Kennedy

It is rightly said that children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.Therefore it is the right time to work on this

crucial topic of values among children—the building blocks of character that shape the future of our society. In the formative years, children are like clay, molded by the influences surrounding them.

First and foremost, the family unit serves as the primary crucible of values. Parents, as the first teachers, imprint fundamental virtues such as honesty, respect, and empathy. Our homes are the laboratories where these values are not just spoken but demonstrated through everyday actions.

Schools play an instrumental role in reinforcing these values. Educational institutions are not just places for academic learning; they are hubs for social and moral development. Teachers become mentors, guiding children to understand the importance of teamwork, responsibility, and integrity.

Peer interactions are another significant aspect of a child's value system. Friendships cultivate lessons in cooperation, compassion, and understanding differences. Encouraging positive social dynamics fosters an environment where shared values become the fabric of their relationships.

In today's digital age, media also shapes the values children hold. As responsible adults, we must ensure that the content they consume aligns with the values we wish to instill. Open conversations about media influences help children navigate the  complex world of information.

In conclusion, fostering values among children requires  concerted effort from families, schools, and society. Let us be mindful of the example we set, the lessons we impart, and the environment we create. By investing in the moral development of our children, we invest in a future where compassion, integrity, and understanding prevail. 

Nimisha Sharma


Friday, February 16, 2024



"The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and to hold them in the right scale of values." - Norman Thomas, American Socialist

Moral Values such as Kindness, Modesty, Honesty, Equality, Responsibility, Perseverance, Courage, Respect, Tolerance etc. should be taught and inculcated among children right from the childhood which can guide them to the right path in life. A strong character is made by the virtues and values that children learn during their early childhood. It lays the foundation for the future. Moral values are the essential ingredients of a person's character. It gives a sense of what is right and wrong.

It is said that the learning of childhood stay with children throughout their life. If a child has a strong root of healthy values means he has good thoughts and a healthy life. Every parent wants their child to move in the right direction and follow the right path all their lives. As teachers, it is our responsibility also to build these values into the lifestyle of a child.

Good values and beliefs help the students to be strong in any situation and inspire them to work hard and do not let them give up. Uprightness, fairness, truthfulness and sincerity are some values that make children courageous to face the challenges of life cheerfully. If children respect everyone in the society and they have a good tolerance, they would definitely be physically, mentally and emotionally strong. That is the demand of the lifestyle today. The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival. Positive thinking keeps the thoughts and actions clean that can be developed among children by teaching ethics and values. It happens sometimes, we find faults in the actions and behavior of children rather than finding remedies. This can never make them a man of values. We need to make the children confident in their right actions and good behavior. That confidence will really help them in all walks of life.

Qualification and Intelligence are important but a good character is essential which can make an individual stand out from others. The purpose of human life is to serve, to show compassion and the will to help others and in return, the feeling of the joy of giving works for mental conditioning and strengthens the determination to overcome tough conditions and situations. The values children hold, the beliefs children cherish, make them successful in their life.

"Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." - Mahatma Gandhi           



Wednesday, January 24, 2024


“We are all born as empty vessels which can be shaped by moral values.”                                         Jelly Springer

Moral values are important components of any individual's character and If we inculcate them right from childhood, children will have healthy roots of healthy values means having good thoughts and healthy life. Values give a child right direction which helps him to get accepted and respected by Society. Right time to build moral values is an early childhood as it is the best age for character building. It is said that learnings of childhood stay with children throughout their life as they grow, these values leave an indelible mark on their character and helps them to become a good human being. They can easily differentiate between right or wrong and take the right decisions in life. Moral values like honesty, responsibility gratitude, benevolence, courage, patience integrity, perseverance not only helps to stay strong but also boost self-confidence The inner peace and relaxation that one achieves from helping others cannot be compared to materialistic happiness. Moral Values help the students to stand for themselves and others when an injustice is happening.

Children see their parents, teachers and other close ones and learn lessons of life from them So it is our model and set a responsibility to be their role good scample in front of them. Examples are the best tools to instill moral values in these blooming buds, sharing moral stories with valuable lessons give them inspiration to grow up as a responsible adult.

Remember "children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an everlasting impression"

" Bible describes children as arrows; “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth" This metaphor gets at the missional aspect of raising a child. God wants us to love and enjoy them but also to train than so they can be missionaries wherever they go.

Ms.Shikha Rathore

Primary Incharge

Thursday, November 30, 2023

 NCC blog 

“Unity, Faith and Discipline are the guiding principles for our Nation” The National Cadets Corps (NCC)is one of the greatest forces of our nation which brings the youth together.The NCC strives to bring together the youth hailing from different parts of the country and molding them into united and disciplined citizens of the nation". Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and drill. It helps in molding the youth into responsible and disciplined citizens of the nation. The Motto of NCC is ‘Unity & Discipline’. It’s a matter of great pride that our school is also raising the Junior Wing NCC (Army) Girls battalion which grooms them with the feeling of ‘Patriotism’ and ‘Nationalism’. It also contributes in propagating National Unity and integrity amongst youth. The cadets are further trained for army services to serve the nation. The cadets learn to work in team spirit , co -operation & coordination. They become Charismatic leaders and self - reliant. The cadets also perform various activities like parades and rallies to develop teamwork and physical fitness. They also participating in various camps and training programs to learn new skills such as shooting, rock climbing, Disaster management , core values ,life skills and first aid. The Social service activities give them a platform to shoulder social responsibilities and spread social awareness among the civilians in order to serve the nation.

 Teacher Incharges - 

Ms. Ritika Senger

Ms. Khushboo Khatri

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


मनुस्मृति में कहा गया है-

अद्भि गात्राणि शुद्धयन्ति मनः सत्येन शुद्धयति। विद्यातपोभ्यां भूत-आत्मा बुद्धि ज्ञानेन शुद्धयति ।

शरीर की शुद्धि जल से, मन की शुद्धि सत्यभाषण से व जीवात्मा की शुचिता के मार्ग विद्या व तप है तथा बुद्धि की स्वच्छता ज्ञानार्जन से होती है।

इसी में क्रम आचरण की शुद्धता अनुशासन से व कर्मों की शुद्धता परहित-संधान से होती है। हमारा विद्यालय परिवेश इस विचार से अछूता नहीं रहा है। जहाँ एक ओर शैक्षिक क्रियाकलापों के माध्यम से मन, वचन व कर्म की शुद्धता पर बल दिया जाता है वहीं दूसरी ओर वह विद्यार्थियों में नैतिक, सामाजिक जीवनमूल्यों व कौशलों के बीजावपन हेतु प्रतिबद्ध है।

इसी प्रतिबद्धता को बनाए रखने के लिए प्रतिवर्ष की भाँति इस वर्ष भी गांधी जयंती के अवसर पर NCC कैडेट्स द्वारा श्रमदान करते हुए राष्ट्रीय स्वच्छता अभियान में अपनी महती भूमिका का निर्वहन करते हुए मन, वचन व कर्म की शुरधता बनाए रखने का संकल्प लिया।

वायु, जल, मिट्टी ये अपनी, प्रदूषण से मुक्त रहें।

दूध-दही की नदी बहे और ज्ञान की ज्योति जलती रहे। जगद्गुरु हम बने विश्व में, भारत स्वर्ग समाज हमारा। यही लक्ष्य हमारा ,

यही संकल्प हमारा।

रजनी शर्मा

हिंदी अध्यापिका

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

 ECMS के समर्पित व सेवाभावी संकल्प को साकार रूप प्रदान करते हुए एमपीएस, प्रताप नगर , जयपुर में 17 अगस्त, 2023 से 4 सितंबर, 2023 तक द्वादश दिवसीय विशेष पौधा-वितरण का कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया, जिसमें विद्यालय के 3000 से अधिक विद्यार्थियों को प्रतिदिन अलग-अलग प्रकार के पौधे देकर पर्यावरण संरक्षण की प्रेरणा दी गई और इसी प्रेरणा के तहत दसवीं कक्षा की छात्रा स्नेहा शर्मा ने पर्यावरण संरक्षण को लेकर विशेष काव्य रचना की......

आओ हम पर्यावरण बचा लें! 


दोनों हाथ बढ़ाकर

हम अपने

हरे-भरे नन्हें पौधों 

को सँभालें

बड़े होने तक उनको 

दें संरक्षण

आओ हम सब 

पर्यावरण बचा लें।

नन्हें पौधों को गर 

हमने सँभाला

प्रकृति हमारी होगी 

फिर हरी-भरी,

मिलेगी फिर प्राणवायु 

हम सभी को

बगीचों की भव्यता 

होगी फिर न्यारी।

पालते हम ज्यों 

घर में स्व पुत्र को

त्यों ही वात्सल्य दें 

नन्हें पौधे को,

देगा वह सर्वजन को 

शीतल छाया

अनुकूलता-वेदन कर 

पाएगी हमारी काया।

बड़े जब हो जाएँगे 

वे नन्हें पौधे

चिड़ियों की चहक 

करेगी मन को आनंदित,

लद जाएँगे जब वे पौधे

पत्तों,फूल,फलों से

देख उन नन्हें पौधों को

मन होगा सभी का प्रमुदित।


 स्नेहा शर्मा


Monday, September 11, 2023

 विद्यालय में आयोजित द्वादश दिवसीय पर्यावरण संरक्षण के उन्नत संकल्प के साथ पौधारोपण व पौधा वितरण कार्यक्रम से प्रेरित होकर विद्यालय की छात्रा द्वारा प्रकृति संरक्षण को लेकर रची हुई कविता.......

आओ धरती के कण-कण को खुशहाल करें 

मिला कदम से कदम देश में

तेज प्रगति की चाल करें,    

आओ इस प्यारी धरती के 

कण-कण को खुशहाल करें।

पेड़ हमारे सगे बंधु हैं

बहने फूलों की घाटी,      

नदिया, पर्वत घर कुनवे हैं

माँ हैं चंदन-सी माटी।    

सारी धरती अपना घर है 

इसको मालामाल करें,      

आओ इस प्यारी धरती के

कण-कण को खुशहाल करें।

ताल-तलैया में गंदा जल 

मारुत का दम घुटा-घुटा,   

सड़कों पर भीषण निनाद है

लगा शोर से कान फटा।   


इन सब को हम बंद करें 

और ठीक सुरों की तान करें,

आओ इस प्यारी धरती के

कण-कण को खुशहाल करें। 


आद्या त्रिवेदी 10A3

Sunday, July 30, 2023

 Art of Parenting

Parenting is a beautiful journey filled with love, patience, and self-discovery. It is an intricate balance between guiding and nurturing our children while allowing them to grow into their own unique selves. As parents, we play a vital role in shaping their character, instilling values, and providing a secure foundation for their future. "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." This quote holds true in the realm of parenting as well. Our children need to feel loved, accepted, and valued for who they are.One of the key aspects of successful parenting is the ability to show unconditional love and support.

Patience is another essential ingredient in the art of parenting. As parents, we often face challenges and setbacks, but it is crucial to remember to stay calm and composed. As Lao Tzu wisely stated, "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." Our children need our patient guidance as they navigate through various stages of life, developing their skills and learning from their mistakes.

Friendship and openness also play a significant role in effective parenting. Children should feel comfortable approaching their parents with their problems and concerns. We build trust with our children and create a safe space for open communication by actively listening and engaging in meaningful conversations, In the art of parenting, it is important to strike a balance between guidance and independence. Our children need our guidance to develop a strong moral compass and make responsible decisions. However, they also need the freedom to explore their interests and learn from their own experiences. In a nutshell, the art of parenting requires a delicate blend of love, patience, friendship, and guidance. It is about creating an environment that fosters growth, self-discovery, and emotional well-being for our children. As we embark on this beautiful journey, let us remember Maya Angelou's wisdom, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better".

Neha Pankaj


Thursday, July 20, 2023


Art of Parenting

'Life affords no greater duty, no greater privilege than raising the next generation.'

The art of parenting in the 21st century is a delicate dance, requiring a careful balance of traditional values and modern techniques. As the world continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, parents must adapt and evolve with it, in order to provide their children with the best possible foundation for a successful and fulfilling life.

One of the most important principles of effective parenting is open communication. In the past, parents may have relied on punishment and rewards to shape their children's behaviour, but  open communication is a more effective approach., Parents can build trust and strengthen their relationships with their children by listening to their children and engaging in conversations about their feelings and experiences.

Another key principle of effective parenting in the 21st century is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.Parents can facilitate children by teaching them to recognize and regulate their emotions, develop important life skills, such as empathy and resilience.

In addition to open communication and emotional intelligence, there are a number of other principles that can help parents raise well-adjusted children in the 21st century.  Parents should strive to be positive role models for their children, setting a good example for them to follow. They should also be mindful of their children's social and emotional development, providing them with opportunities to learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment.

At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of the parents. The art of parenting in the 21st century is about finding a balance between traditional values and modern challenges. By staying informed about the latest research and trends in parenting, and by being open to new ideas and approaches, parents can help their children thrive in a rapidly changing world.


Neha Pankaj





Values among Children There is a famous quote on Character and Value, “If wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something i...