Thursday, June 27, 2024


‘A person who stays moral continues to learn and remain happy.’

Moral values are highly essential in a person’s life as it direct them and encourage them to move ahead in their life. It plants multiple character traits that help a person build a positive personality. In a world that constantly evolves, the importance of moral values remains timeless. These values serve as the foundation upon which we build our relationships, make decisions, and contribute to the collective well-being . They determine one’s nature, behaviour and overall attitude towards life and other people. 

It is said that students are the future of lndia and this future of our country depends greatly upon the values imparted to them during their student’s life. Mere teaching, learning, improving knowledge and skills without building character and mind may not contribute to the holistic development of children, which is a must for the world to become a better place. Once values become everyone’s priority in life, all the negative aspects of life will automatically dwindle.  The decisions we take in our life are largely based on the values we possess. Our decisions in life do not only impact us but also our family, our organization, our society as well as our nation. A person with good values is likely to take wise decisions considering the good of everyone around. On the other hand, a person who lacks values shall fail at it and may end up creating a problem for himself as well as those around him. 

During student life it is crucial to focus on the concept of morality . As it is said that the knowledge given to us in our childhood stays with us for a lifetime. These are values which helps to lead a respectful and honourable life in future. Some of the values include honesty, dedication, commitment, optimism, courtesy, patience, compassion, forgiveness, cooperation, unity, self control, respect, love and care. All these values build a strong character. Good values make a person humble and dependable. Whether it is a job or a personal relationship, a person with good values is looked upon by everyone. A person’s values reflect in his personality.

A person with good values exudes positive vibes and spreads love and joy. He is considerate about the needs of others. Besides doing well in his own life, such a person is often seen uplifting and helping others whenever he can. Such a person believes in himself and also understands the importance of unity and teamwork. He doesn’t lose his temper easily and practices forgiveness. He is certainly an asset to any organization. The families that raise such individuals must be appreciated for the efforts they put in.

Thus, values are of utmost importance. A nation with large number of people with good values will certainly progress and develop faster compared to one where people lack values. Values help in nurturing us at an individual level and we go on to build our surroundings better by the strength of our character.

Aparna Sharma

Monday, June 10, 2024

 Values among children

Virtue begins in the heart and in the mind.

Moral values are instrumental in moulding children's character and conduct, steering their choices amid the complexities of contemporary society. In today's rapidly evolving world, where technological advancements and shifting societal norms pose challenges to traditional values, instilling moral principles in children becomes increasingly imperative.

In Indian culture, moral education often finds expression through storytelling. Tales from ancient scriptures like the Panchatantra and Jataka tales serve as timeless repositories of wisdom, imparting virtues such as honesty, kindness, and perseverance through captivating narratives. These stories not only entertain but also enlighten, leaving a lasting impression on young minds.

While traditional storytelling remains impactful, modern mediums such as digital platforms provide new avenues for moral education. However, the essence of moral values remains universal, transcending cultural and linguistic boundaries.

Families also play a pivotal role in nurturing values in children. Parents serve as primary role models, conveying their principles through direct teachings and exemplary behaviour. Furthermore, familial relationships contribute significantly to a child's development of empathy, compassion, and respect for others.

Peer interactions also shape children's values as they seek acceptance and approval from their social circle. Friends introduce new perspectives and behaviours, influencing the adoption of certain values or norms.

“Morality is not just any old topic in psychology but close to our conception of the meaning of life. Moral goodness is what gives each of us the sense that we are worthy human beings.” –Steven Pinker

In conclusion, moral values serve as guiding principles for children navigating the complexities of the modern world, shaping their character and interactions. While the methods of imparting these values may evolve, their significance remains unwavering. Across cultures, the timeless wisdom conveyed through stories continues to play a crucial role in fostering ethical individuals who uphold values resonant across the universe.

Chanchal Ramnani

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