Sunday, March 17, 2024

Values among Children

There is a famous quote on Character and Value, “If wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; when a character is lost, all is lost”. – Billy Graham

Having moral values means having strong roots. For the trees, having a healthy root means having healthy leaves and branches. And for the people having a strong root of healthy values means having good thoughts and healthy life.Moral values are important components of any individual’s character and they should be taught right from childhood. The importance of teaching values to children is that it helps them to choose the right way.

Importance of teaching values to the children-

1 Strong character building-    Good Values such as Kindness, Modesty, Honesty, Equality etc should be inculcated in children which can guide them to the right path in life.Apart from qualification and intelligence these values help a child to grow with a strong character. 

2.Helps to understand the difference between right and wrong- They can conclude scenarios and understand whether it is morally correct or not. It helps to make the right decisions in life with the help of these moral values. 

3.            Helps to stay stronger-Good values and beliefs help them to be strong in any situation and inspire them to work hard for the results and do not let them give up.

4.            Boost self confidence-The Inner peace and relaxation that one achieves from giving/helping others cannot be compared to materialistic happiness.

5.            Helps children to stand up against injustice-The importance of teaching moral values to students helps them to stand for themselves and others when an injustice is happening.

Vinita Sharma


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