Friday, July 29, 2022


    School as a miniature society prepares you for global world”

 Since class 2nd to 10th I studied in   New Modern Public School, , a small  English medium school.  

Thereafter I joined Maheshwari Public School, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur. One of the most prestigious school of the city. Naturally, the level of pressure to adjust in the new environment was at its height. But the ever supporting teachers helped me a lot to meet all the challenges. I was glad to take admission here.

Everybody says that the time spent with old friends always remains the best part of your life. As a new student I experienced great friendship and awesome and best supportive teachers.

(Ms. Prachi maam ‘As a class teacher’, Ms. Ruchi ma’am ‘Maths teacher’ and Ms. Manju ma’am ‘Accounts teacher’) and many other teachers. The only place where I got to understand my future life goals for self growth and in return to society as well. The level of education and life skills I learnt here, gave a new pathway for my future goals. 

Mps paves the way to become CA. The only reason I decided to be a CA is the clarity of concept I gained here (My love towards practical subjects). It gave wings to my dreams. I was very grateful and thankful from the deepest core of my heart to all loving and caring teachers.

Deepak jain


Saturday, July 16, 2022


Almost one and a half year has elapsed since I completed my school education and stepped into the real global world which we used to study only in our textbooks only. Here I realized how school acted as a miniature society which prepared me for this global world. As a school student we all are unaware about what we will go through in real world because we grow in a safe environment under the shelter and guidance of our teachers and mentors. School prepares a strong foundation which helps us to build successful future. Not only education but also etiquettes, manners, sense of humour, analytical skills, will power, sense of responsibility and many other skills got developed in those golden days which pave the way to face struggles and problems in outside world. The sense of competition which we develop in school days help us to face competition outside school. All students study under a single roof forgetting about castes, races, religion and a sense of unity in society gets developed between them. There is no discrimination of any type which shapes mentality of students in positive way. One may find teachers strict and may hate going to school but one day he will definitely be grateful to school when he gets the outcome of school learning. Schools do not have elevators for students because it wants its student to learn importance of stairs. Similarly, there is no short route to success in real world, one has to use each step of staircase. Any combination of 26 letters would be insufficient to thank our teachers and schools for the bright vision they have provided us to find our way in befogged environment in global world.

 Arjun Goyal

 Batch 2020-21

  सकारात्मकता के दिव्य प्रकाश में ही दिखता है सफलता का मार्ग ......... मानव जीवन ईश्वर की सर्वोत्कृष्ट रचना है , इस बात क...