Wednesday, June 29, 2022


A school is the first place where we encounter diversity of society, it's th    re stepping stone of our life. Schools have always been said to prepare students for challenges that they face later in their lives. 

Now  I believe that school offers every opportunity to prepare students for the real world but the difference of preparedness comes from the student. When someone puts their head down to achieve their goals by themselves, as  an independent adult, their outcome will reflect what they learned in school. Every time a teacher pushes us to score better it's not just for  a "100" on report card but it was her or his way of telling that they are laying a strong foundation for our future life. In my view school has generated in me a habit  of making  a schedule and sticking to it . Just like we have to get up and go to school everyday, similarly we have to get up and go to work everyday even when we don't feel like it. School taught me time management  and boosted my   confidence to deal with conflicts and performing better and better and not to quit. As for an example when we played a team sport it taught us how to deal with different personalities and types of people and  built confidence and when we lost, it made us stronger to beat down failure to victory next time. School has given me experience and made me improve my ability to make judgements and take action. 

Gazal Gupta 

Batch 2020-21

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


              What I got from my legacy “MPS”?

I feel immensely privileged that I was a part of MPS family. Everyone at MPS has a heart for students, and they have the knowledge and institutional memory to help us navigate the system to accomplish our goals. With all kinds of resources, information and supportive teachers, MPS helped me learn and grow in as well as outside of the classroom.  Teachers engage us with different strategies of teaching to keep us motivated and to make us a better version of ourselves. Along with gaining knowledge, I also developed leadership and communication skills and overcame my various insecurities during my time at MPS. My experience at MPS also enabled me to bravely take up intellectually challenging tasks in the future. 

I feel so much more heard and motivated as a student because of MPS!

Kunal Kashyap

(Batch - 2017-18)

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